Text Editor

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Text Editor


In the built-in text editor you can load and edit standard text files. To invoke the editor you select the Text Editor option in the tools menu or the Edit ATP/LIS-file options in the ATP menu. In the latter case, a file with extension '.atp' or '.lis' and same name as the active circuit file is searched for and automatically opened if found. When invoked from the tools menu, the text buffer will initially be empty.


The default text font can be changed by selecting the Font option in the Character menu. A detailed description of all the available options can be found in the menu options help topic.


The status bar at the bottom of the window displays the current line and character position of the text buffer caret, and the buffer modified status.


If you want to use your favorite text editor program rather than the built-in editor, you can specify the path of your program (wordpad.exe, write.exe, etc) on the Preferences page of the Tools Options dialog box.


The built-in text editor has a right-click context menu (right click) with a special Insert option for ATP purposes.

The user can via this menu select from about 50 different templates of various special request cards.

This could be useful when editing ATP data files and Additional data cards.