Icon editor Color options

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Icon editor Color options


To select a color from the icon editor color palette, click either the left or the right mouse button in one of the color boxes. The color you select will be assigned to the mouse button you clicked until you use the same mouse button to select another color. On the left hand side of the palette is two boxes indicating your current color selection. The leftmost box displays the color currently assigned to the left mouse button. The one to the right displays the color assigned to the right mouse button. It is common to think of these two boxes as indicators of current foreground (leftmost) and background (rightmost) color selection.


The foreground color is normally used to draw with and the background color to erase any mistakes made during drawing. It is therefore convenient to assign the transparent color (indicated by a capital T letter) to the right mouse button, and desired drawing color to the left button. Mistakes can then easily be corrected by alternating left/right mouse button clicks.


Version 5 of ATPDraw supports vector graphics for standard components, and from version 5.3 an graphical editor is introduced. The vector icons uses the same 16 classical colors (240..255) an uses left button to select pen color (boundary) and right button to select brush color (fill). In addition RGB colors 0..63 can be selected directly in the string grid.