Picture Background

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Picture Background


From version 5.4 it is possible to add a standard bitmap or metafile background of any size to every component. From version 5.8 also png images can be added. This is the preferred choice since this is a compressed format. The picture will be attached to the component's standard icon and follow the zooming and editing operations. Only bitmaps and png-images are rotatable. The occupied memory will of cause increase if large bitmaps (much less consumption using png) are included as down-sampling is not used, so this option should not be misused and restricted to special circumstances.


The user can Load the image from disk or Paste it in from the Windows clipboard and set the scaling (Width=0 means original size) and the position of the center of the picture related to the center of the component. The user can also decide if the image should be rotated with the component or not.