LCC Node page

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LCC Node page


The Node page was introduced in ATPDraw version 5.3. Normally, the user does not need to specify anything on this page. It gives, however, access to the node names of the LCC component and offers the user to assign conductor numbers to the nodes. Conductor numbering can be desirable for cables since ATP requires a special sequence in this case; first comes the cores, then the sheaths then the armors. The cables with most conductors must be numbered internally in ATP as the first cable. To avoid too much confusion the user should also try to follow this rule. For overhead line the user specifies the conductor number directly in the data grid and there should be no need to alter this.


A cable system consisting of 3 single core cables with sheaths and a fourth ground wire will as default receive an "unexpected" phase sequence.

The core of the three cables will be numbered 1-2-3, then the ground wire will be numbered 4, and finally the three sheaths will be numbered 5-6-7. This does not fit well with the 3-phase layout used for this 7-phase system. The core of the cabes will all be a part of IN1/OUT1-ABC, but then the ground wire will become IN2A/OUT2A, the cable sheaths 1 and 2 will be IN2B/OUT2B and IN2C/OUT2C and the third cable sheats will be connected to the single phase nodes IN3/OUT3. To let the ground wire be connected to the single phase node the conductor sequence 1-2-3-5-6-7-4 can be assign in the grid.


The View module has a Number feature that displays the conductor numbers.