Web site

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Web site


The www.atpdraw.net web-site contains some general information about ATPDraw and EEUG. It also has a public download area for the latest ATPDraw version. Logged-in users get access to the project area and to various discussion forums (Discussion, Bug-reports, and Suggestions). The project area is the same as found in ATPDraw under Web|Download/Upload.


The members area were first established in 2011 using phpBB. This Content Management System seemed very appealing to non-serious, off-topic users that tried and managed to register and later filled the forum with spam and advertisements. There seem to be companies specializing in this type of spam posting.


The new web-solution is written from scratch in PHP and offers post, search and download options with less layout and sophistication. It is not possible to register directly at the Web-page, only through ATPDraw. Hopefully this will reduce the non-friendly invasion.