Open Text Dialog

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Open Text Dialog


In the Text dialog you specify the data for a circuit text. New from ATPDraw v5.3. The dialog will pop-up after a right click on texts. Texts can only be drawn in the circuit window when Edit|Edit text (CTRL+T) is selected. A single text can consist of multiple lines. Click on the text in the circuit window with left mouse button to edit it.


The Text Properties are:

Standard Font dialog options (click on the Font Name):

Font: Select from the operation system's list of fonts.

Size: The font height in pixels in 100 % zooming mode.

Style: Select multiple styles or none. Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikeout.

Color: Select from a set of predefined colors.

Script: Standard Font script settings. Full Unicode support.

Extra options:

Back: Background color of the text.

Frame: Color of the enclosing frame.

