Command-line parameters

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Command-line parameters


On the command line to ATPDraw you may specify one or more circuit files to be initially opened when the program starts. In the example below, the two circuit files myfirst.cir and myscnd.cir will be loaded at startup and displayed in separate circuit windows. The two files must be located in the directories indicated (i.e. c:and c:).


C:\ATPDRAW>atpdraw c:\atpdraw\cir\myfirst.cir d:\cir\myscnd.acp


In Windows 95 or NT 4.0, you may use this property to create desktop shortcuts to your circuit files. For instance could the shortcut 'Target:' parameter specify the full file path of ATPDraw.exe with the name of the circuit file appended to it (e.g. c:\atpdraw\atpdraw.exe mycir.acp), and the 'Start in:' parameter could specify the circuit file directory or folder (e.g. c:\atpdraw\project).


The same approach can be used in Windows 3.1 to create a document icon in a program group. From the 'File/New/Program item' dialog box you specify the same parameter values as under Window 95/NT, so that when you double-click the icon, ATPDraw is launched and the circuit file loaded.


You can specify ATPDraw.exe to use as shortcut or program item icon.