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ATP (Alternative Transients Program) is primarily a simulation program for the electric power industry. The program can predict variable of interest within electric power networks as functions of time, typically initiated by some disturbances such as the switching of a circuit breaker or a fault. Other special studies are power electronics, over-voltage protection and power system controlling. The ATP program is in principle royalty free but requires a signed license agreement.


The ATP program is built on the public domain program EMTP (having it's roots at the Bonneville Power Administration in Portland) prior to the attempt of commercialization in 1984. Since then ATP has developed under direct administration of Drs. W. Scott Meyer and Tsu-huei Liu who also are the co-Chairmen of the Can/Am users group.


ATP now supports the following elements:

Simple RLC lumped elements

Nonlinear components (arresters, nonlinear inductors etc.)

Overhead lines (KCLee, JMarti, Semlyen, Noda.)

Saturable transformers

Controllable switches

Various voltage and current sources

Electric machines (induction, synchronous, DC)

TACS (control systems, transfer functions etc.)

MODELS (control system language developed by Loran Dube)

Supporting routines

 XFORMER (single-phase transformer setup)

 BCTRAN  (multi-phase transformer setup)

 SATURATION (for magnetic saturation calculations)

 HYSTERESIS (for magnetic hysteresis calculations)

 ZNO FITTER (Arrester setup)

 NETEQV (coupled RL elements)

 Line Constants (overhead line models and matrix output)

 Cable Constants (cable/overhead line models and matrix output)

 JMarti setup

 Semlyen setup