Debug error messages

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Debug error messages


Error during the simulation are written to the LIS-file. This file has the same name as the main ATP-file but has extension .LIS. Inspect this file by selecting ATP|View LIS file.

Most users are advised to turn on  Auto-detect error messages found in the ATP|ATP Connection Wizard (step 4).




In case of a simulation error ATP will write something like shown below to the LIS-file. If Auto-detect ERROR is turned on, ATPDraw will inspect the LIS-file and show the error message.





You lose, fella.   The EMTP logic has detected an error condition, and is now going to terminate program execution.  The following

message summarizes the circumstances leading to this situation.  Where an otherwise-unidentified data card is referred to, or where

the "last" card is mentioned, it is the most recently read card of the input data that is meant.  The 80-column image of this card

is generally the last one printed out prior to this termination message.  But possibly this last-read card has not yet been

displayed, so a copy follows:

"                                                                                "

             KILL code number                Overlay number               Nearby statement number

                       191                         13                               3972

KILL = 191.   With no sources (including rotating machinery) and no manually-specified initial conditions, the network being solved

can have no transients.  The solution will be identically zero for all time, so need not be simulated.






In the case above, there is an error message because there is not source in the circuit or energization in the system. Solution is always zero, not need to run a simulation. Similar clear error message appears if not output request was made or a component has both terminal connected to the same node.



KILL = 44.   The user apparently forgot to request one or more output variables,  so that if the simulation were allowed to

continue, there would be no printed or plotted output.  Such degenerate usage of the computer will not be allowed.


KILL = 239.   A single-phase (uncoupled) branch connects two terminal nodes that are the same.  This makes no physical or

engineering sense since such a branch can not affect the rest of the network,  and the rest of the network can not affect it.  The

last-read data card defines the offending branch.  Assuming fixed-format, the BUS1 name of columns 3-8 equals the BUS2 name to

columns 9-14.



In other cases a problem related to a specific node is reported. The user then has to search for this node (ATP|Find node). If a multi-phase node is involved, the LIS-file can report problems with X0023B or BUS3C, but the user has to search for node X0023 or BUS3.



Also, be aware of cases where warnings are reported. This happens quite often with transformers with open terminals resulting in floating sub-network warnings.Sometimes ATP reports and ground involved nodes ground, making the solution incorrect. In such case, large resistances to ground can be added (RINF-component for instance).